Retail Escaper, is a coupon aggregator. We provides fresh coupon codes and exclusive codes that a buyer will not get anywhere else. We have a large audience of over 50k visitors per month which can be beneficial for any brand to promote their products.
Our goal is to create a
best and ultimate savings destination which can help user to save money and
Social Media Reach:
With the great improvement in our overall statistics, we managed to have great reach on Facebook of about 1,126 followers and 1,187 followers on twitter. Within a short period of time we have managed to gather a large audience which is rapidly growing.
Facebook: /retailescaperMahdi/
Twitter: /retailescaper
Traffic Statistics:
Google Search Console
How we promote brands?
Our ways of promotion are listed below:
Other than this, we also promote brands on high authoritative websites which helps in making more conversions organically.
Below are some of the websites that are in collaboration with us:
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